https GET None /repos/jacquev6/PyGithub/issues/28/comments?since=2012-05-26T13%3A59%3A33Z {'Authorization': 'Basic login_and_password_removed', 'User-Agent': 'PyGithub/Python'} None 200 [('status', '200 OK'), ('x-ratelimit-remaining', '4984'), ('content-length', '1820'), ('server', 'nginx/1.0.13'), ('connection', 'keep-alive'), ('x-ratelimit-limit', '5000'), ('etag', '"bab5fb77d873847d153979f7fcd7e0f1"'), ('date', 'Sat, 26 May 2012 09:43:03 GMT'), ('content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')] [{"user":{"gravatar_id":"b68de5ae38616c296fa345d2b9df2225","avatar_url":"","url":"","login":"jacquev6","id":327146},"updated_at":"2012-05-01T22:03:59Z","body":"Thank you for the suggestion. It's somehow related to, even if I have not described it in details.\r\n\r\nI'm currently doing a very deep rewrite, which will lead to much more readable stack traces in case of exceptions, and I will include more details about the error. I may also be able to detect type errors *before* sending the request to github.\r\n\r\nBy the way, I'm very glad to hear that you have solved a real-life use case using PyGithub :-)","url":"","id":5449237,"created_at":"2012-05-01T22:03:59Z"},{"user":{"gravatar_id":"b58d0f1ea06b8d5de5f02c53f747ac03","avatar_url":"","url":"","login":"roskakori","id":328726},"updated_at":"2012-05-04T19:23:57Z","body":"Good to hear you are already working on this in #6, so I suppose this can be tagged as duplicate and be closed.\r\n\r\nBTW, I cleaned up my script to convert Trac tickets to Github issues and uploaded it to PyPI: It seems that at least some people find it useful, so hopefully it helps to popularize PyGithub a little.","url":"","id":5518272,"created_at":"2012-05-04T19:23:57Z"}]